Written for Bill Picher and the professional choir of the Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe in Orlando, FL, this setting of Salve Regina presents the traditional chant melody in a modern tonal language. While intended to be performed a cappella, there is a reduction of the SSAATTBB piece provided in the score for rehearsals. As the most popular and well-known Marian antiphon, this is the first of a set of four Marian antiphons that I composed.
The Basilica Choir included the piece on its most recent album “A Cappella Magic” which is available here or as a download from iTunes! You can now also hear the piece on Spotify.
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Logo chosen!
The competition at 99designs.com has concluded. After receiving numerous wonderful entries, I have chosen the logo below for Audubon Park Music. Look for a website redesign soon incorporating the new logo.
Singing Birds needed for Audubon Park Music
As Audubon Park Music prepares to act as the publisher for compositions by Wm. Glenn Osborne, today I launched a logo competition at 99designs.com. Karen had suggested that I get a professionally designed logo after a Full Sail student developed a delightful logo for her Studio Osborne business. As I don’t know any current Full Sail students, I opted to use the service 99designs.com which I learned about from listening to the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast.
99designs brings together thousands of graphic designers and offers them the opportunity to submit ideas for design competitions like the one I just launched for a logo for Audubon Park Music. At just under two hours old, I am already delighted by several of the designs that have been submitted. You can check out the submissions for yourself until Sunday evening (4/6/2014) by clicking here.
Audubon Park Music is the publisher of compositions by Wm. Glenn Osborne. More information about his compositions may be found here. This site is currently under construction and will contain more information soon.