From the Audubon Park Psalter
Psalm 113 for the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Recorded live at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore
August 23, 2015
Unfortunately, the sound system failed as we started Mass, so it’s a little difficult to hear the cantor.
Category Archives: Blog
Psalm 116 – I Will Walk Before the Lord
Taken from the Audubon Park Psalter, recorded live at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Baltimore on September 13, 2015 for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B.
The music for this composition is included in the Year B volume of the Audubon Park Psalter.
Today I received official approval from the Committee on Divine Worship of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to publish my settings of the Revised Grail Psalter with the ICEL refrains. The Audubon Park Psalter will consist of four volumes: one for each of the liturgical years (A, B, and C) and a fourth for Solemnities, Feasts and other holidays. Each volume will be 60-70 pages and contain over 50 psalm settings.
After several years of leading very eclectic music programs, I felt the need for a psalter that could be adapted to many different settings. The Audubon Park Psalter is designed to be useable in the traditional organ and cantor setting, but also by the contemporary ensemble with piano, guitars, and even drums. Any attempts to find repertoire common to both groups, would usually lead to complaints from one or the other, so when creating these new settings, I endeavored to use a harmonic language that will be interesting to the highly trained musicians and yet accessible to those with less formation.
The verses are written most often in a one pulse per measure chant style (like Gelineau) so that a drummer could play continuously through the psalm (instead of dropping out for non-metrical chanted verses). The verses are also written in traditional four-part harmony so that a choir could sing them (if desired). Having chant style verses makes the singer’s task of learning multiple verses easier than a through-composed setting, but by keeping a pulse, it is possible to have much more interesting melodies than a common 3-5 note chant settings would offer. These settings are designed to be singable, interesting and achievable for most any parish music program.
Look for more information to come as I finalize the drafts for publication.
Logo chosen!
The competition at has concluded. After receiving numerous wonderful entries, I have chosen the logo below for Audubon Park Music. Look for a website redesign soon incorporating the new logo.
Singing Birds needed for Audubon Park Music
As Audubon Park Music prepares to act as the publisher for compositions by Wm. Glenn Osborne, today I launched a logo competition at Karen had suggested that I get a professionally designed logo after a Full Sail student developed a delightful logo for her Studio Osborne business. As I don’t know any current Full Sail students, I opted to use the service which I learned about from listening to the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast.
99designs brings together thousands of graphic designers and offers them the opportunity to submit ideas for design competitions like the one I just launched for a logo for Audubon Park Music. At just under two hours old, I am already delighted by several of the designs that have been submitted. You can check out the submissions for yourself until Sunday evening (4/6/2014) by clicking here.
Audubon Park Music is the publisher of compositions by Wm. Glenn Osborne. More information about his compositions may be found here. This site is currently under construction and will contain more information soon.